Anyways ....the name doesn't matter as much as the taste does, right? So, this was very aromatic and flavourful, which we all loved. Yes...yes..even my husband and son who are not big fans of veggies loved this rice. So, here goes the recipes to this aromatic and colourful rice.

Recipe source:
Sanjeev kapoor's book ''Recipes for Indian kitchen''
3 cups of basmati rice,
1 carrot-chopped,1 green bell pepper,
1/2 medium cauliflower,
6-8 french beans- chopped,
2 chopped onions,1/2 cup of green peas,
1/2 cup of corn kernels,
2-3 tbsp of vegetable oil,1 stick of cinnamon,
3-4 cardamoms,
3-4 cloves,
1 bay leaf,1 tsp peppercorns,
1 tsp cumin seed and
salt to taste.

Wash and soak the rice for half and hour. Finely chop the vegetables into small bite size pieces as shown in the pic above and keep aside.
heat the oil in a heavy bottomed pan and add the whole spices- cardamom, cinnamon, cloves , bay leaf, cumin seeds and peppercorns and saute briefly. Now add the onions and saute until translucent. Add carrots, cauliflower, beans, peas and corn and cook for 1-2 minutes.
Drain the water from the soaked rice and add to the vegetables and stir-fry fot 2-3 minutes.add 5-6 cups of water to the rice and add salt to taste. Bring to a boil and cook till all the water is absorbed. At this point add the green bell pepper and stir the rice. reduce the heat and cook covered for 8-10 minutes or until the rice and vegetables are cooked. Serve hot and enjoy :)

The capsicum/ green bell pepper is added in the end to maintain its crunchiness.
Turmeric powder can also be added to this pulao, to make it colourful.
I am sending this colourful pulao to Cooking with Seeds- Cumin seeds event by Priya of Priya's Easy N Tasty Recipes hosted this month by Sara of Sara's Corner.
pulao looks very tempting..Happy Mothers's DAy..
Nice & colourful rice, looks delicious and healthy way to eat all the vegetables...and happy mothers day faiza...
This is a healthy food.i will surily try this dear.......why the name is give tri colour.wats the meaning back of it...
Happy Mother's Day!!!
Tricolor Pulao looks yummy and very tempting dear...
Nice clicks :-)
nice colorful dish...good work dear...
A very beautiful and colourful rice stir-fry!
Happy Sunday!
oh that looks like the perfect rice dish!
u know what my pulao never comes out perfect..its always a lil over cooked nd i yet 2 master the art of perfecting it...this one looks really perfect...
A big thanks to you all for stopping by and for leaving your valuable comments.
@ Beenashylesh : I think because it had 3 different coloured vegetables.
Wat a prefect, catchy and yummyilicious pulao..looks awesome..
Tricolour pulao looks colourful and yummy. following you dear so that I don't miss your yummy posts :-)
Hamaree Rasoi
Pulao looks very tempting :)
Happy Mother's Day to you! The pulao looks absolutely nice!
Very beautiful pulao,, and wonderful click too.
Happy mother's day dear:-)
true..its colorful as u said...healthy pulao..
Happy Mother's Day Faiza..
Pulao looks delish and yumm!!!!
Kairali sisters
Pulao looks really yummy and colorful.
Dear Faiza...Happy Mother's Day. I love this Tri-color Pulao and u did get me thinking why it is called a panchranga Pulao. I cd'nt come up with the answer..I wd in fact agree with urs.. In my case TIRanga or Panchranga..It looks delish..and so healthy and better still its a one pot meal...I love Sanjeev Kapoor's recipes too..
Dear Faiza Happy Mothers day dear ...
Thanks for stopping bya t my blog adfter a long time good to see ur comments again ..
looks colorful and yummy dear
Colorful and yummy looking pulao. Looks tempting and delicious.
Happy mother's day Faiza :) The pulao looks very eyecatching. A very nice dish, simple yet tasty.
healthy and colourful rice. nice click too
pulao looks great... really colorful... looks restaurant style....
Your Pulav does looks colourful faiza,and yummy
really healthy one..the name is really interesting tricolor..after a lot of confusion u decided this one..good
lovely colors..Nice pic faiza...
Happy Mothers Day
Happy Mother's Day..very beautiful and healthy tricolor pulao... nice click too.
Happy Mothers Day! Pic looks yumm!
Happy Mother's Day, dear. Delicious colorful pulav.
looks great and love all the veggies in here
Happy Mothers Day
I love this pulav very much. Its very colorful and healthy too. Very tempting clicks Faiza.
wow!!colourful and healthy one!
Lovely colorful recipe !
Whatever might be the name its totally healthy one .. isn't it ..
Lovely looking rice,my kid would love this!
Pulao looks very tempting :)
YUM!!! What a colorful pulao...
Happy Mother's Day dear :) Pulav looks yum :)
Looks yum..simple and delish
Pulav looks great and really colourful as the name says...
nice and colorful rice..
Thats a perfect, delicious and healthy pulav, Faiza..
Pulao looks great & yuumyyyyy too :)
very colourful rice, hope you had a lovely mother's day
une assiette bien colorée elle reflète le printemps j'aime beaucoup
bonne journée
Wooooooow yummy colorful healthy rice.. hey I loved the clicks as well..
colourful and delicious..
Hi lovely and colourful rice. Thanks for entry.
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