15-16 sheets of ready made frozen filo/philo sheets, 300 gms unsalted butter, 300 gms of mixed Pistachios, Walnuts and Almonds- roughly chopped, 3 tbsp granulated sugar, 1tsp ground cardamom.
For the syrup:
350 gms sugar, 300 ml water, 1 tbsp lemon juice, 2tbsp orange blossom water(optional).
Unwrap and thaw the filo sheets at room temperature and keep under a damp tea towel until you are ready to use them. Pre heat the oven to 180 C / 350 F. In a clean bowl, mix together all the nuts, sugar and cardamom.
Grease a baking tray with butter. Melt the remaining butter in a saucepan over low heat or in a microwave.
Layer 4-5 sheets in the baking tray, brushing each sheet with melted butter before adding the next sheets. Spread half of the nut mixture over the sheets in the tray. Layer 4-5 sheets again on the nut mixture, brushing each layer withe butter. Now spread the remaining nut mixture in the tray and layer the mixture again with the remaining sheets.
Using a sharp knife cut the baklava into squares or diamond shape. Place the Baklava in the pre-heated oven for 30-40 mins or until the top is golden brown. Do not allow the top to burn.
Remove and allow to cool slightly. Now drizzle the baklava while in the tray with the syrup and then let cool completely before serving.
For the syrup:
Heat the sugar, water, lemon juice and the orange blossom water in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Now simmer for 10-15 mins until the syrup is formed. Cool completely before adding to baklava.
ooh awesome food!!!!!! keep it up my sis is agreat cook i can say tht.....
Thank you soo much saadi for appreciating :-)
i love you so much my dear darling is greattttttttttttttt
Thank you soo much mummy...I love you tooo and I miss u a lot...
Your baklava looks stunning!
I made my first baklava a couple of months ago following a persian recipe. :)
huuh. it looks so delicious. I know it's a very hard dessert.at the feast of sacrifice, my mum made us baklava but yours is really good.
eline sağlık :) ( it means ''god bless your hands '' in turkish)
Thanks Cilek for visiting my blog and for your lovely and sweet words :)
Awesome Bakhlava...my favorite too:)
Would love to make this ..but don't know whether these filo sheets will be available here in India.
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