Thursday, 3 September 2009

Award and Tag

My sweet friends Priya prashanth and Sarah Naveen, Arti Agarwal and Parita have showered on me this award. Thank you dearies for encouraging me by giving this lovely award.

  1. I must thank the person who gave me the award and list their blog and link it
  2. I must list 10 honest things about myself
  3. I must put a copy of Honest Scrap logo on my blog
  4. I must select atleast 7 other worthy bloggers and list their links
  5. I must notify the bloggers of the award and hopefully they will follow the above three requirements also.
Honest things about me:- hmmmm....

1.I love cooking for my husband.
2. I love traveling.
3. I am very fond of babies.
4.I am very very sensitive.
5.I love reading.
6. I am very talkative and I don't like it :(
7.I love spending time with my son.
8.I am a chocoholic.
9.I love giving gifts and surprises to my dear ones.
10.I am crazy about collecting recipes.

And the Honest bloggers are:-
Shabs, Rebecca, Ann , Tina, Swapna, Muneeba and Viki .

And now coming to the tag :-
Shab's of Shab's cuisine and Priya of Priya's recipes have tagged me. Thanks sweeties :)

The Rules:1. Link the person who tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Share the ABCs of you.
4. Tag 4 people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs.
5. Let the 4 tagged people know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.
6. Do not tag the same person repeatedly but try to tag different people, so that there is a big network of bloggers doing this tag.The Tag:

1. A – Available/Single? Happily married :)

2. B – Best friend? My husband and my mother

3. C – Cake or Pie? Cake anytime.

4. D – Drink of choice? Milkshakes.

5. E – Essential item you use every day? My computer , my phone, my apron...

6. F – Favorite color? Baby pink and deep red.

7. G – Gummy Bears Or Worms? neither.

8. H – Hometown?Bangalore.

9. I – Indulgence? Chocolates.

10. J – January or February? why not November?

11. K – Kids & their names? 2 year old Son -Ammar

12. L – Life is incomplete without? Family and Love.

13. M – Marriage date? 27th April 2005.

14. N – Number of siblings? Younger twin brothers.

15. O – Oranges or Apples? Oranges.

16. P – Phobias/Fears? Lizards and cockroaches.

17. Q – Quote for today? Nothing is impossible if one tries to do it, because even the word 'impossible' is 'i' 'm' 'possible'.

18. R – Reason to smile?My husband and my baby.

19. S – Season? Spring

20. T – Tag 4 People? why here?

21. U – Unknown fact about me? hmmmm....don't know.

22. V – Vegetable you don't like? Karela (Bitter gourd)

23. W – Worst habit? Not being diet conscious.

24. X – X-rays you've had? Many

25. Y – Your favorite food? Biryani.

26. Z – Zodiac sign? Scorpio.

I would like to pass the above tag to:
Arti Agarwal,
Humaira and


  1. Congrats on the award Faisa,and thanks for remembering means a lot to me..
    hey really enjoyed reading your meme..hope you are in a meaningful ramdan fast..may Allah Bless you..

  2. Congratulations on your award!
    Was good to read about you :)

  3. wow..congratz for awards and interesting answers

  4. congrats....nice to know more about u

  5. Good to know more about you! Congrats! -Naina

  6. Congrats on your award Faiza... was nice reading about you :)

  7. thanks so much Faiza, so sweet of you to think of me will leave an award for you today (Friends) Rebecca

  8. very nice reading about u dear!

  9. Congrats on ur Awards & tag Faiza.....nice to know abt u .....

  10. Thanks so much Faiza. really nice of u to hand it over to me.

  11. Hi,
    first time in ur blog....congrats:)

  12. Congratulations on your award!
    You have a nice personality.

  13. Guess what?
    I didn't realize that you hand it over to me.
    I read your message in my blog and I came back to see it.
    Thank you so much for thinking of me.
    Have a blessing day !

  14. Great news, congrats and a million thanks for bestowing the award to me as well. I know I will treasure it very deeply. Thanks once again.

  15. Hi faiza, since i had probles with my IE was not able to comment in ur blog, and thought it was just my browsers prob.
    Anyways, congrats on ur award and thx for passing it on to me:)...I think now i have to do something to save the awards in a special position..:)
    you are really blogging faster and that too yummy ones!keep up the good work...
    try to pick up the magazines from asda and tesco. They have many yummy recipes;)

  16. Congrats darling, you so deserve it. I love visiting your yummy blog kitchen, darling have yourself a fabulous weekend!!

    Love & Hugs
    Duchess ♥♥♥

  17. Please do check out my note of thanks to you on my blog. Thanks so much once again.

  18. Congrats, Faiza on the award!

  19. Congrats on ur award dear. Thanks for sharing it with means a lot to me.
    Nice crispy answers....Great to know more abt u.

  20. Congrats on your award, come and collect your award from my blog.

  21. I have passed an award to you, pls accept it :)

  22. Cool web site, I hadn't come across earlier during my searches!
    Continue the excellent work!


Thank you friends for taking out your precious time to encourage me by commenting here. It really means a lot to me and it keeps me going.